panel sempozyum kongre
3d International Scientific and Practical On-line Conference
Dear Colleagues!
Darkhan-Uul Medical School of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS) and Faculty of Health Science of EGE University of Turkey would like to invite you to take part in the 3d International Scientific and Practical On-line Conference titled “EVIDENCE-BASED MIDWIFERY CARE" which will be held on 05 May 2023 at Darkhan-Uul Medical School of MNUMS. The conference is being organized in connection with the International Midwives Day.
- Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Darkhan Medical School, Clinical Department
- EGE University of Turkey, Faculty of Health Sciences, Midwifery Department
The purpose of the conference is for exchanging and sharing ideas and experiences of scientific and practical issues of reproductive health among midwifes, OB /GYN practitioners’ academicians and lecturers.
Conference date:
05 May 2023. The time for the conference is GMT+8
- Midwifery Services and Practices in Natural Disasters
- Midwifery History
- Ethical and Competence Aspects of Midwifery
- Evidence-based Reproductive Care
- Midwifery Education in the 21st Century
- Midwifery Consultation Care /pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, newborn/
- Advanced Experience in Midwifery
- Humanized Prenatal Care
- The Complications during Pregnancy
- Intrapartum Care for a Positive Childbirth Experience
- The Postpartum Care
- The Friendly Environment for Mother and Child
- The Vaccination of the Mother and Child
- The Perinatal Depression
- The Adolescent Reproductive Health
- The Reproductive Health during Menopause
- The Male Reproductive Health
- Infertility Care
- Unmet Need for Family Planning
Types of participation:
Oral presentation
On-line publication
Poster presentation
- Notification of acceptance and the possibility of oral presentation will be sent by email to the participants and posted on 27 April 2023 on the congress website
- The “Proceeding book” will be published and posted on our website: the day prior the conference
- The publication is free and all attendees will be sent certificates of participation by e-mail.
- For more information, please, visit:
Conference language: English
Please, feel free to forward this conference material to any person or organization that would benefit from this conference.
General Requirements:
The articles must be typed in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman, font size 11, line spacing of 1.25, A4 page sizing, left justified alignment, 2cm margin and the abstract should be between 250-300 words.
- Title: Times New Roman, size 12, Bold
- Author’s Name:
- The names of the researchers and the names of the affiliated organizations in font size 9, Italic.
- In the upper right corner of the researchers' names, write a note indicating the affiliated organization.
- The name of the affiliated organization should be written in full, in Italic, in the order the notes
- The name of the responsible author should be marked with * and the e-mail address should be written.
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Purpose and objectives
- Research materials and methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Please, note that tables, graphs, and figures are not included in the abstract
For example: B.Batchimeg1, Kh.Oyundelger2*
1Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences
2Darkhan General Hospital,, 99082345
Deadline for submission:
21 April 2023
- E-mail address for receiving abstracts:
- Phone number: + 976 99757735